Gianluca Guida's personal page.

Welcome to the personal website of Gianluca Guida – a passionate computer scientist, hardware enthusiast, and creative tinkerer.

At the core of my work lies a deep fascination with the inner workings of computer systems. From low-level programming and operating system design to the intricate details of audio hardware, I'm driven by a curiosity to understand any mechanisms that catch my interest.

Recent Updates:

2025-01-15 NUX and GGML: Bringing AI to Kernel Space.
2025-01-06 Why would one rewrite Mach?
2024-12-24 Introducing NUX, a kernel framework
2020-12-09 Controlling MRG LFOs frequency range
2020-09-27 With apologies to Paganini
2020-05-12 The Yamaha DX7 Envelope Generator, part four.
2020-05-10 The Yamaha DX7 Envelope Generator, part three.
2020-05-08 The Yamaha DX7 Envelope Generator, part two.
2020-05-07 The Yamaha DX7 Envelope Generator, part one.
2017-12-12 Overview of a MH System.